Home > Simply the best....River Silks Silk Embroidery Ribbon!
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We're proud as punch to announce these much anticipated arrivals. RIVER SILKS have earned the reputation of being of the highest quality in the market today. Soft, subtle, and amazingly durable, River Silks are made to withstand the many creative applications of today's needle point artist. These hand dyed lovelies are washable, colorfast, run and shred resistant, and come in a HUGE selection of colors, - including varigated, solids, and over-dyed. You'll be less likely to come up short while working in your favorite colors too, because each spool is a generous 5 1/2 yds. If you've missed out on reading about these wonderful ribbons in your favorite quilt magazine or missed seeing them on HGTV, fret not; you can try them here for a very reasonable price. We offer the complete line of Riversilks ribbons in all sizes, colors and quantities including single spool portions at reduced prices. Just email your special request and we'll be happy to assit you.
Please click on Over-Dyes Or Solids to view collections.
 Please click on Over-Dyes or combinations of Overdyes with Solids to view collections. ODC are Over Dyed Collection, OD/SOL - are combined Over Dyes and Solids Collections |  |