Home > English Paper Piecing How-To DVD and Dresden Plate Templates
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English Paper Piecing is a highly portable as well as economical method of putting all those left-over scraps to good use. Our inexpensive Paper Pieces templates are highly durable and may be used many times over. Pair them with fancy fabrics and silks for gorgeous holiday ornaments, pillows and even quilts such as the silk Dresden Plate design featured on our Bragiing Rights page. We carry all of the Paper Pieces Kits & Templates, so please feel free to contact us if you don't see what you're looking for here.
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Regular price: $12.00 Sale price: $10.00 | Regular price: $13.95 Sale price: $12.95 |  $2.25 |
 $18.49 |  $2.25 |  $12.00 |
 $2.25 |  $8.50 |